Friday, January 29, 2010

Old vine wine...

Old Vine Wine - Knarley Wine - What does it mean?

As you shop for wine, sometime you will see the words Old Vine or Knarley Vine Wine on the label. What does this mean to you?

Actually, this is a marketing term that has no bering on the quality, depth or style of the wine being produced. There is no legislation or laws that require a vineyard to actually have an old vine in their vineyard before they can advertise old vine wine.

The original meaning of old vine was supposed to mean that the vineyard was harvesting grapes from vines that were a minimum of fifty years old. These old and knarly vines actually produce very rich and intense smaller grapes. These grapes will make great quality dense wine that is sought after by many people that are in the know about wine. Unfortunatly it is almost impossible to tell which manufacturers are actually harvesting grapes from old vines without researching the vineyard history. So don't fall for the line of Old Vine of Knarley Wine, when purchasing wine.

Until next time. Drink more wine.

Tim Miles- Owner Premium Wines & Spirits
"Explaining the Miles of Wine"

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